Complimentary passes are now available for senior citizens

In recognition of the support senior citizens have provided over the years to Fayetteville-Manlius schools, the district is continuing to offer district residents age 62 or older free complimentary passes to school plays, musicals, concerts, athletic events, and other programs. 

The Fayetteville-Manlius Complimentary Pass may be used for admission to all school-sponsored activities with the exception of adult education courses, recognition banquets, dinner dances, and athletic contests taking place outside the F-M district.

Some school activities – such as the fall play and spring musical – require advance acquisition of tickets. The complimentary pass will guarantee free admission, but you must contact the designated ticket sales representative in advance to acquire a ticket for these events.

To view the most up-to-date calendar of events, please visit the calendar available on the district website.

The complimentary pass is good for one school year. The passes can be acquired by contacting the F-M District Office at 315-692-1234.