What do you think about student cell phone use in F-M schools? Let us know!

The Fayetteville-Manlius School District is seeking feedback on student cell phone use in school, as well as other topics such as F-M’s academic rigor, leadership, student support and priority areas.

F-M parents, caregivers, students, staff and community members can anonymously share their feedback with district leaders by completing the district’s annual community survey.

The survey, which aims to identify what the community feels the district is doing well and where there is room for improvement, is open now through Dec. 1 and includes 22 questions. Most of the questions are in multiple choice or checkbox format.

The survey’s final question asks participants to indicate whether they are interested in serving on F-M’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee or the Mental Health Task Force. If the respondent selects “yes” to this question, users will be redirected to additional questions where they can provide their contact information. If the respondent does not select “yes” to the final question, the form will prompt the user to submit the survey and no further action is needed.

A summary of the survey results will be shared with the governance team and community during a future F-M Board of Education meeting.

Individuals who cannot access the survey electronically can contact the Superintendent’s Office at 315-692-1200 to request a paper copy. 

Complete the F-M Community Survey 2024-25