This winter, construction on the $52 million capital improvement project at Fayetteville-Manlius High School is expected to reach the halfway point. Project construction began in summer 2023.
Completed work
- Turf field replacement
- Track resurfacing
- Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) wing addition
- Main office suite consolidation in House 1, including new nurse’s office
- Staff lounge renovation
- Kitchen upgrades
- Roof replacement
- Art wing
- Library Media Center
- House 2 boiler replacement
- Crawlspace asbestos abatement
Ongoing work
- Cafeteria expansion
- Existing cafeteria renovations
- Broadcast journalism and student support space addition
- Wellness Center renovations
- Auxiliary gym renovations
- Photography classroom renovations
- Courtyard renovations, including outdoor seating addition
- Public address system replacement
- Fire alarm replacement
The majority of the ongoing work is focused on renovating and expanding student spaces.
Remaining work
- House 2 old main office and old nurse’s office conversion into classroom space
- House 2 HVAC upgrades
- House 2 ceiling replacement and select flooring replacement
- HVAC replacement
- Auditorium
- Music classrooms
- House 1 gym
- Library Media Center skylight replacement
- House 1 window/entrance replacement (north entrances)
- Science wing roof replacement
Construction is expected to be substantially completed by fall 2026.