Code of Conduct Article III: Student Conduct, Section C

C. Behavior-Related Offenses and Consequences

Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and civil manner, with regard for the rights and welfare of other students, district personnel, and other members of the school community, and for the care of school facilities and equipment.

The best discipline is self-imposed, and students must learn to assume and accept responsibility for their own behavior, as well as the consequences of their misbehavior. District personnel who interact with students are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary and to place emphasis on the  students’ ability to grow in self-discipline.

Expectations for student conduct while on school property or while engaged in a school function should be specific and clear. The rules of conduct listed hereafter are intended to focus on safety and respect for the rights and property of others. Students who do not accept responsibility for their own behavior and who violate school rules will be required to accept penalties for their conduct.

Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair, and consistent so as to be the most effective in changing student behavior. The staff at a school has the responsibility for taking appropriate actions when a student is involved in a situation which disrupts the learning environment of a school. When  determining the consequences, the following may be taken into consideration:

  • The nature of the offense and the circumstances which led to the offense
  • The age-appropriateness of the consequence
  • The student’s prior disciplinary record
  • The effectiveness of other forms of discipline
  • Information from parents, teachers and/or others, as appropriate
  • The extent to which the offense interfered with the  responsibility/rights/privileges/property of others
  • The extent to which the offense posed a threat to the health and safety of  others
  • Other extenuating circumstances

As a general rule, discipline is progressive. This means that a student’s first violation usually merits a lesser penalty than subsequent violations. However, the District may impose any level of discipline, even for a first violation, that is proportionate to the misconduct at issue. The superintendent retains the authority to expel (permanently suspend) a student.

Code of Conduct violations and consequences, other than suspension, will be communicated to persons in parental relation as soon as practicable, and may be communicated via email, phone or letter. In the event of student suspension, Board policy 7313 (Suspension of Students) dictates the means of communication to persons in parental relation.

Although not all-inclusive, the following list of offenses on school property or  at a school function and range of consequences apply in most circumstances.

*Administrator action only

**Superintendent action only

Level I Consequences


  • Warning/verbal reprimand
  • Time-out or out of classroom
  • Loss of privilege
  • Conference with student
  • Communication with parent
  • Detention
  • *Controlled study hall
  • Counseling
  • *Restitution

Level II Consequences


  • Removal from class
  • *Suspension
  • In-school
  • Out-of-school – Short-Term*
  • Out-of-school – Long-Term**
  • *Saturday detention
  • *Police notification
  • *Removal from school property

Level III Consequences


  • **Expulsion (permanent suspension)

*Administrator action only
**Superintendent action only

Although this list is not all-inclusive, the following list of offenses may result in disciplinary action, the range of which is further described in this Code. The District reserves the right to discipline students for any conduct considered to be insubordinate, disorderly, violent or disruptive, or whose conduct otherwise endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of self or others.

Offenses and Consequences

Offense/Definition/Range of Consequence

  • Absence (Unlawful): An absence for a day or any portion of a day for any reason other than those cited as lawful (as listed in the student handbook) and/or failure to bring a note by a parent/person in parental relation parent/guardian to verify a lawful absence; I-III
  • Alcohol and Other Illegal Substance Use/Abuse: Possession, distribution, use, consumption, being under the influence, purchase, or sale of illegal substances, defined by this Code; II-III 
  • Arson/Fire: Attempting to, aiding in, or setting fire to a building or other  property; II-III
  • Bus Misbehavior: Any violation of bus behavior rules (as listed in the student handbook); I-II
  • Cheating/Academic Dishonesty: Copying, plagiarizing, altering records, or assisting another in such actions, including but not limited to using artificial intelligence (“AI”) technology and tools to engage in Cheating and/or Academic Dishonesty; I-III
  • Computer/Electronic Communication Misuse: Any unauthorized use of computers, software, or Internet/Intranet account; unauthorized access to internet/intranet, another’s email, or an inappropriate website; misuse of a website; unauthorized taping (audio/video), filming or photographing; damage of electronic devices or any violation of the district’s Acceptable Use Policy; I-III
  • Cutting Class: Unauthorized absence from a class or school activity; I-II
  • Defamation: False or unprivileged statement or representation about an individual or identifiable group of individuals that harms the reputation of the person or the identifiable group; I-II
  • Destruction of Property/Vandalism: Damage, destruction, or defacement (graffiti) of property belonging to another or the school; II-III
  • Disrespect Toward Others: Inappropriate conduct, comment or physical  gesture to a student, teacher, staff member, or other adult; I-II
  • Disorderly Conduct:  Behavior that disturbs the atmosphere or order, to include obstructing or restraining the authorized or lawful movement or  participation of another; I-II
  • Disruption – Classroom: Behavior that is substantially disruptive of the educational process or substantially interferes with the teacher’s authority over the classroom; I-III
  • Disruption – School: Behavior that interferes with the safe and/or orderly environment of the school or school activity; I-III
  • Dress Code: Violation of dress code; I-II
  • Driving/Parking Violations: Failure to obey all state, District, and campus traffic and parking signs and rules; I-II
  • Failure to Serve Assigned Consequences: Failure to serve detention, Saturday detention, suspension, or other assigned consequences; I-II
  • False Alarms/Bomb Threats:  Initiating a report or warning of fire, or  catastrophe, without valid cause; misuse of 911; discharging a fire extinguisher; or tampering with or removing from its compartment an automated external defibrillator (AED); II-III
  • Fighting: Hostile confrontation with physical contact involving two or more students; II – III
  • Fireworks or Explosives: Possession, use, and/or threat to use a firework, smoke bomb, flare, or combustible or explosive substance; II-III
  • Gambling Wagering money or property; I-II
  • Harassment/Bullying/CyberBullying/Discrimination: As defined in this Code; I-III
  • Hazing: As defined in this Code; I-III
  • Indecent Exposure: Exposing the private parts of the body in a lewd or  indecent manner; I-II
  • Insubordination: Refusing to follow reasonable requests of teachers, staff, or administration, including failure to identify self or knowingly providing false information; I-III
  • Leaving School Grounds Without Permission/Elopement: Leaving school grounds/school building during regular school hours without written or verbal permission from an  administrator; I-II
  • Loitering: Idle presence in an area without authorization.; I-II
  • Physical Attack on Staff/Students/Others: Assault, or aggressive physical action, directed at students, staff, or others, including a situation where a staff member is intervening in a fight or other disruptive activity; II-III
  • Possession of Disruptive Items: Unauthorized possession of a sound box, laser pointer, squirt gun, water balloon, or any other disruptive item; I-II
  • Possession and/or use of Portable Electronic Communication or Recording Devices: Unauthorized possession and/or use of cellular phone, camera, video/audio device, or any other electronic device; I – II
  • Possession of Skateboards/ Rollerblades/Scooters/ATVs/ Snowmobiles: Unauthorized possession or use of a skateboard, scooter, rollerblades, all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile on school property; I-II
  • Profanity: Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing, or swearing; I-II
  • Refusal to Submit to Alcohol/Drug Test: Refusing to take a saliva based drug test, AlcoSensor test, or Breathalyzer test, or refusing to permit a staff member to smell breath; II-III
  • Retaliation: As defined in this Code; I-III
  • Sexual Harassment: Unwanted and inappropriate verbal, written, or physical  conduct of a sexual nature directed toward another person;  I-III
  • Tardiness: Lateness to school or class; I-II
  • Theft: Taking or obtaining property of another without permission of the owner. Possession of stolen property and attempted theft; II-III
  • Threat to Staff, Student or Other Person: Expression, conveyed by word or action, of intent to abuse, intimidate, coerce, or injure a staff member, student, or other person; I-III
  • Tobacco Products Violation: Possession, distribution, use, consumption, being under the influence, purchase or sale of any Tobacco Product, as defined in this Code; I-II
  • Trespassing: Unauthorized presence on school property, including while on suspension; I-II
  • Truancy: Unlawful absence without parental knowledge and/or permission; I-II
  • Weapon Possession: Possession of a weapon, as defined in this Code; II-III