Emergency Response Protocols & Situational / Multi- Hazard Responses: 155.17(c)(1)(xvi) & 155.17(c)(1)(xiv),(xv),(xix)


The Building Emergency Response Plan contains specific procedures for each Standard Emergency Response outlined in Section 3 of this Plan. The procedures begin with the incident command system (or building response team) which involves all the key responders in the building and emergency service providers. When considered appropriate one or more of the following responses will be carried out:

  1. EVACUATION – Takes place in the event of fire, bomb threat, or other
    emergency which requires students and staff to leave the building immediately.
  2. LOCKDOWN – May be used in the event of a dangerous intruder, violence, civil disturbance or other Emergency during which movement about the building would endanger the safety of staff and students.
  3. SHELTERING/HOLD IN PLACE – May be used in the event of an Emergency
    where students and staff are instructed to remain in their classrooms/work-areas or instructed to assemble within an inside shelter area (a designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) or other designated area. Students and staff are to remain in-place until the situation has passed and until dismissal, relocation or resumption of normal activities occurs.
  4. LOCKOUT-Shall be used in the event of notification that a dangerous person or condition may be a credible threat to the security of the building. All exterior
    doors are locked and monitored by administrators or other assigned staff.