The Fayetteville-Manlius School District Board of Education plans to meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 24, in the Eagle Hill Middle School auditorium.
Individuals who wish to attend the meeting are requested to pre-register by 4 p.m. on Monday, March 24. Individuals who wish to speak during the evening’s public comment portion of the meeting are required to pre-register by 4 p.m. Monday, March 24.
Upon registration, each individual will receive a confirmation email.
The meeting will livestream on the district’s official YouTube channel.
1. Opening Items
1.01 Call to Order
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Approval/Revision of Agenda
2. Reports
2.01 Presentation – Proposed 2025-26 program and revenue budget
2.02 President’s Report
2.03 Superintendent’s Report
2.04 Committee and Representative Updates
3. Public Comment
3.01 Public Comment
4. New Business
4.01 SEQRA Resolution – Type II Action – Bus Proposition
4.02 Resolution – Annual Budget Notice
4.03 Policy approval
4.04 Appointments
4.05 Approval to join
5. Ongoing Business
5.01 Board Development
5.02 Potential Considerations For Future Meetings
6. Future Meetings and Events
6.01 Future Meetings Calendar
6.02 Dates to Remember
7. Consent Agenda
7.01 Approval of Consent Agenda
7.02 Health & Welfare Services Contract – West Genesee Central School District
7.03 Approval of Memorandum of Understanding
7.04 Resolution – Surplus Miscellaneous Equipment
8. Proposed Executive/Exempt Session
8.01 Proposed Executive/Exempt Session
9. Items Removed from Consent Agenda for Individual Consideration
9.01 Personnel Actions
10. Adjournment
10.01 Adjournment
The agenda is subject to change. For more information on specific agenda items, please visit the F-M BoardDocs site.