- Supporting Students’ Mental and Emotional Health
- Parent Conferences
- Helpful Resources
- When Questions Arise
Supporting Students’ Mental and Emotional Health
Sometimes students are struggling; growing up has its challenges. They may be having difficulty with friendships or other relationships, experiencing frustration with their academics, coping with stress, and anxiety, dealing with a loss and/or generally struggling to manage their emotions.
Our student support team is eager to help.
Counseling Staff
Fayetteville-Manlius school counselors work together with students and parents to promote personal success by enhancing the development of academic skill, interpersonal skills, and self-understanding.
In order for students to learn effectively, they must feel comfortable and safe in their school environment. To help accomplish this goal, school counselors provide individual and group counseling programs.
Parents are encouraged to contact a member of the counseling department if they have concerns about their children’s progress or well-being. By working closely together, parents, counselors and teachers can help each student reach their highest possible level of accomplishment.
Counseling Staff Roles
Each elementary school has a school counselor, school psychologist and student engagement specialist. Each middle school has two school counselors and a school psychologist. F-M High School has six school counselors and a school psychologist. The district psychologist also resides at the high school. There are two student assistance counselors; one who serves both middle schools and one who serves the high school. Additionally, there are six family-school liaisons (FSL) that support all of the buildings; one in each building.
Each role has an important impact on the emotional health and well-being of students. There are some areas in which services overlap, and there are some distinctions between each role as well. Regardless of titles, counseling staff members seamlessly work together as a team, both within the schools and districtwide, regularly consulting with one another to support students and families.
School Counselors
School counselors serve the entire student population, providing a broad range of services in the areas of academic achievement, career development, and social/emotional needs. They connect and communicate with those in the student’s circle including teachers, parents, administrators and, at times, outside support services.
A student may see a school counselor about:
- School concerns: Classroom related problems, academic placement, achievement and/or scheduling.
- Personal issues: Peer pressure, self-esteem, stress and anxiety, relationships, loss and separation and/or transitions.
- Future planning: Understanding oneself to begin identifying potential career choices and planning for life beyond F-M.
School Psychologists
School psychologists serve students who have specific social-emotional-behavioral needs and/or medical diagnoses that hold them back from learning. The psychologists administer psychological testing, develop individualized education plans (IEPs), help with learning strategies and consult and collaborate with parents and school staff.
When appropriate, school psychologists set goals and provide individual or group counseling as prescribed on a student’s IEP or under the Educationally Related Support Services (ERSS) model.
Family-School Liaisons
Family-School Liaisons (FSL) provide intensive support to our children most in need. They can work directly with the whole family system, creating a positive, supportive relationship between home and school. At the elementary and middle schools, FSLs often meet with small groups of students during lunch to develop skills. They work closely with the district’s school information resource officers and special patrol officers and frequently connect families to outside agencies and support organizations as needed.
Student Engagement Specialists
Student engagement (Promise Zone) specialists, provided through the district’s partnership with Onondaga County, identify and provide support to students with emotional or behavioral challenges.
Each of the district’s three elementary schools has one student engagement specialist who works with the school’s student support team to supplement existing mental health services.The specialists also assist with implementing targeted interventions and focus on collaborative problem solving, in-class support, and de-escalation.
Student Assistance Counselors
Student Assistance Counselors (licensed social workers from Contact Community Services) provide drop-in mental health services at the high school and both middle schools.
They offer students social and emotional support, and referrals to substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery services. Students can schedule appointments and families/staff can also make referrals to the social workers. Contact the Counseling Center in your student’s building for additional information.
Individual School Counseling Center Contacts
Enders Road Elementary School
- Kathryn Haley, School Counselor
khaley@fmschools.org - Meredith Kronenberg, Family-School Liaison
mkronenberg@fmschools.org - Ashlee Fairchild, School Psychologist
Fayetteville Elementary School
- Mike Quinn, School Counselor
mquinn@fmschools.org - Emily Lorraine, Family-School Liaison
elorraine@fmschools.org - Lauren Dera, School Psychologist
Mott Road Elementary School
- Julie Wolf, School Counselor
jwolf@fmschools.org - Nicole Merritt, Family-School Liaison
nmerritt@fmschools.org - Meg Losty, School Psychologist
Eagle Hill Middle School
- Aeri Chapman, School Counselor, Grades 5-8
achapman@fmschools.org - Nancy Alderman, School Counselor, Grades 5-8
nalderman@fmschools.org - Kelli Dervishleri, Family-School Liaison
kdervishleri@fmschools.org - Bethany DeWolf, School Psychologist
Wellwood Middle School
- Tracy Cicci, School Counselor, Grades 5 & 7
tcicci@fmschools.org - Liz Wheeler, School Counselor, Grades 6 & 8
lwheeler@fmschools.org - Angela Sommer, Family-School Liaison
asommer@fmschools.org - Jennifer Quattrocchi, School Psychologist
jquattrocchi@fmschools.org - Renea Braley, Student Assistance Counselor, Contact Community Services
Fayetteville-Manlius High School
- Heidi Green, Director of Counseling Services
hgreen@fmschools.org - Kelly Campolieta, School Counselor
kcampolieta@fmschools.org - Gracelyn Musci, School Counselor
gmusci@fmschools.org - Dave Madden, School Counselor
dmadden2@fmschools.org - Doug Madden, School Counselor
dmadden@fmschools.org - Dana Pierce, School Counselor
dpierce@fmschools.org - Kristen Rubacka, School Counselor
krubacka@fmschools.org - Ashley Dailey, Family-School Liaison
adailey@fmschools.org - Laurel Pritchard, School Psychologist
lpritchard@fmschools.org - Rebecca Hartman-Wade, District Psychologist
F-M High School Counselor-Student Assignments
- Ch: Ms. Rubacka
- Ci-F: Mrs. Musci
- G-Ha: Ms. Green
- He-L: Ms. Pierce
- M-P: Mr. Doug Madden
- Q-Sma: Mrs. Campolieta
- Sme-Z: Mr. Dave Madden
- A-Col: Mrs. Rubacka
- Com-Gor: Mrs. Musci
- Goy-Kn: Mrs. Pierce
- Ko-No: Mr. Doug Madden
- Nu-Spe: Mrs. Campolieta
- Spi-Z: Mr. Dave Madden
- A-Ca: Ms. Rubacka
- Ce-F: Mrs. Musci
- G-Ki: Ms. Pierce
- Kl-Ne: Mr. Doug Madden
- Ni-Sm: Mrs. Campolieta
- Sn-Z: Mr. Dave Madden
- A-Che: Mrs. Rubacka
- Chi-Ga: Mrs. Musci
- Ge-Kre: Ms. Pierce
- Kri-Pal: Mr. Doug Madden
- Pam-Stad: Mrs. Campolieta
- Staf-Z: Mr. Dave Madden
Local Mental Health Care Provider Partnership
The district partners with mental health care provider Melissa Carman, Ph.D, LMHC, who has practices located in the villages of Manlius and Fayetteville. As part of the partnership, Dr. Carman provides mental health support and resources to F-M students in grades K-12. She also provides professional development to faculty and staff.
The district maintains a mental health provider referral-resource list that is shared with families who request it.
Mental Health Clinics
Coming Soon!
Helio Health will operate an outpatient clinic in each of the district’s middle schools and high school. An on-site clinician will be available to work with referred students to address mental health needs such as anxiety, depression, attention issues, problematic behaviors, trauma, substance use issues, issues with family, interpersonal functioning, and more. Clinicians will be able to assist with providing the following services: individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, psychiatric evaluations, ongoing medication management, case management and psychiatric rehabilitation services, and health monitoring appointments with a nurse. Families will be billed for services through their insurance.
Mental Health Educator
The district partners with Contact Community Services, an organization that specializes in social and emotional learning and provides training and consultation to support student mental health and wellness.
In addition to offering wellness activities and training to the K-12 school community, the contract includes providing the district with a full-time mental health educator. The mental health educator offers students, families, and staff suicide prevention and awareness sessions, training opportunities and virtual workshops.
ACCESS Helpline
The district participates in the Onondaga County program ACCESS. It includes a liaison from ACCESS – Coordinated Care Services who is responsible for taking referrals to support students and their families when child welfare concerns are present but do not rise to the level of calling the state’s Child Protective Services. Families can call 211. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The district is not responsible for defraying the costs associated with any portion of this program.
Therapy Dog Program
To help support students and staff who may be dealing with increased stress or anxiety levels, there are 19 therapy dogs (at least one at each school building) working to greet students in the morning, visit classrooms and spend time with students and/or staff. They are trained to provide support in a community setting.
All of F-M’s therapy dogs have completed training and earned their American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certification. The AKC CGC program is a 10-skill obedience training program.
While on school grounds, therapy dogs are always on a leash and accompanied by an adult. To maintain the safety and comfort of everyone in the building, all interactions with the therapy dogs are voluntary.
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2)
During the 2024-25 school year, students will have the opportunity to complete the Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System-Second Edition, also called the BIMAS-2. Students in grades 7 through 12 will complete a one-page questionnaire that asks them to self-report their recent behaviors and emotions. Elementary K through 6 teachers will complete a one-page questionnaire that asks teachers to assess from their perspective each participating student’s academic, behavioral and emotional health. Students in grades K through 6 students will not need to complete a questionnaire.
The screening tool was adopted by the district’s mental health support team to help assess student social-emotional wellness, learning, and development, and help school officials make effective plans to meet students’ social emotional learning needs at the school, class and individual levels. The tool will also help identify students who might be at risk or in need of further assessment and monitor the effectiveness of district and schoolwide interventions that are already in place.
Grades 7-12 BIMAS-2 FAQs
Grades K-6 BIMAS-2 FAQs
Parent Conferences
Administrators, counselors, and teachers welcome the opportunity to confer with parents.
Conferences may be initiated by parents at any time they have a concern at any level. This is done by contacting the child’s teacher, counselor, or principal. Requests for meetings should be made at least a few days in advance.
Helpful Resources
Mental Health
- Crisis Hotline: Dial 988
- Suicide hotline OR Crisis Counseling OR General Counseling OR Abuse: 315-251-0600
- Text “Got5” to 741-741 for free confidential 24/7 support
- National suicide prevention hotline: 800-273-TALK
- Dial 211 for help finding local referrals
- Additionally, if you or someone you know is in need of immediate mental health support, please call 911.
Grief and Loss
LGBTQ+ Support
- The Q Center: 315-475-2430; QCenter@ACRHealth.org
- The Trevor Project
Eating Disorders
- National Eating Disorders Association: online chat or call/text: 800)-931-2237
Vaping/Substance Abuse
- CNY Community Smoking Cessation Program: To register for free smoking cessation classes, call 315-464-8668.
- Kinney Drugs Ready. Set. Quit Counseling & More Info: Talk to your Local Kinney Drugs Pharmacist
- Upstate’s Quit & Stay Quit Classes (Syracuse) Type: Cessation Classes and More Information: 315-464-8668
- Helio Health Treatment Programs: Call 315-471-1564 for questions
- Text “opioid” to 898211 for help with addiction
- 24/7 HOPEline: 1-877-8-HOPENY or text NOPENY to 467369
How to Help a Friend
- Seize the Awkward: Learn how to and what to say to a friend who seems to be struggling.
- Speak to an adult: It is not “telling on your friend,” it is out of concern and will help.
- Give them the resources above.
When Questions Arise
Often parents are uncertain about whom to contact in order to answer a question or pursue a concern. The following guidelines are designed to provide clarification:
- Contact the teacher for a question regarding a child’s classroom progress.
- Contact the school counselor for a question regarding a child’s personal adjustment, future plans, schedule, etc. The school counselor is the key communication link between the home and the school.