Food Service

The F-M School District believes that one of the most important ways in which we can help our children perform better in their classrooms, is to provide them with the nutrition necessary for the healthy growth of their minds and bodies.

We offer breakfast and/or lunch in our schools every day. We invite all students to show their support for their school food service program through frequent participation. Our school meal program is entirely self-supported through cafeteria sales.

The Fayetteville-Manlius School District offers free or reduced-price school meals through the National School Lunch Program. The federally assisted program allows eligible students to receive free or reduced-price school meals, and requires a formal application process. Find details below.

If you have suggestions or recommendations for the improvement of our program, please contact Diane Bergan or Angela Gatenby at the Food Service Department at 315-692-1842 or 315-692-1843.

Meal Pricing 2024-25

Elementary schools

  • Reduced-price breakfast: $0.00
  • Full-price breakfast: $2
  • Reduced-price lunch: $0.00
  • Full-price lunch: $3.50
  • Milk: $0.75

Middle and high schools

  • Reduced-price breakfast: $0.00
  • Full-price breakfast: $3
  • Reduced-priced lunch: $0.00
  • Full-price lunch: $4.25
  • Milk: $0.75

Students who bring lunch from home may purchase milk and juice from the cafeteria. There is a charge for these items if they are ordered individually. 

Free and reduced-price meals

Children from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Free and reduced-price meal applications can be obtained at each F-M school or by calling the F-M Food Service Department at 315-692-1842 or 315-692-1843. The district cannot approve an incomplete application.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact F-M’s Food Service Department at 315-692-1842 or 315-692-1843.

Información sobre comidas gratuitas y a precio reducido en español