The Fayetteville-Manlius School District is seeking volunteers to serve on its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee or its Mental Health Task Force.
The DEI Committee and Mental Health Task Force serve as advisory groups to district leaders. The primary focus of the DEI Committee is to support the diverse needs of all F-M students, staff and families. The Mental Health Task Force is dedicated to supporting the mental health needs of the F-M school community.
Individuals who are interested in serving on the DEI Committee or Mental Health Task Force should complete the district’s annual community survey. The survey aims to identify what the community feels the district is doing well, where there is room for improvement, and solicits membership interest for F-M’s DEI Committee and Mental Health Task Force.
The survey is open now through Dec. 1 and includes 22 questions about F-M’s academic rigor, leadership, student support, priority areas, and student cell phone use. Most of the questions are in multiple choice or checkbox format.
The survey’s final question asks participants to indicate whether they are interested in serving on the DEI Committee or Mental Health Task Force. If the respondent selects “yes” to this question, users will be redirected to additional questions where they can provide their contact information. If the respondent does not select “yes” to the final question, the form will prompt the user to submit the survey and no further action is needed.
When determining the membership of the committee and task force, every effort will be made to ensure representation from all stakeholder groups (faculty, staff, parents, students, etc.) and all six school buildings so that the Fayetteville and Manlius communities each have a stake in the process. Those who volunteer will be contacted by district officials if they are selected to serve on either the DEI Committee or Mental Health Task Force.
Individuals who cannot access the survey electronically can contact the Superintendent’s Office at 315-692-1200 to request a paper copy.