The Eagle Hill Math League is celebrating a first place finish following the annual Onondaga County Math Competition!

Each year, teachers from across the county host a total of 5 meets in which students from various schools work to solve challenging math problems. The competition is for 7th and 8th grade students, and team and individual results are compiled throughout the season.
Eagle Hill’s team finished with a final score of 111 points, which secured them a win. David Park earned 25 points for his team, and took home the first place medal for 8th grade students. Heim Park and Alexander Kim earned third place medals among 8th graders.
Other team members included: Anessa Ali, Anika Das, Maheen Iqbal, Justine Kuchera, William Liu, Aniela McKee, Ethan Nocilly, Haya Park, Yachen Ren, Aadit Verma, and Daniel Yang.
The team is coached by teachers Mrs. Winje, Mr. DeBlois, and Ms. Albicker.