The College Board recently recognized high school students across the country who have shown outstanding college-level achievement through their performance on Advanced Placement (AP) Exams.
In 2019, 128 Fayetteville-Manlius School District students earned a total of 134 AP Scholar-level distinctions.
AP Scholar Awards
The College Board grants AP Scholar awards to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. There were 47 F-M High School students receiving this award:
Ian Allen, Marion Avila, Ian Bryant, Jessica Burgess, Megan Burnett, Cecilia Byer, Benjamin Christopher, Thomas Coleman, Jack Coughlin, Sarah Crovella, Cade Dugan, Nihan Ercanli, Nida Fazili, Ireland Fernandez-Cosgr, Gabriela Fontaine, Andersen Fuller, Emily Gryczka, Carter Hale, Baden Holder, Suha Khan, Libbie Kirkpatrick, George Langenberg, Mark Laurie, Daniel Lim, Michelle Lim, Nathan Macrae, Agrim Mangla, Joshua Maring, Katherine Miles, Owen Neuman, Christina Nguyen, Freda Ni, Max Perry, Wei Qiu, Flavia Scott, Kate Scuderi, Jennie Seidberg, Olivia Spignardo, Ari Spinoza, Matthew Sprague, Gillian Stuhler, Sophia Testani, Samuel Theoharis, Alexandra Vinci, Richard Wan, Ian Wendler and Alexander Williamson.
AP Scholar with Honor
The College Board grants AP Scholar with Honor awards to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Thirty-one F-M High School students received this award: Lelia Abdul-Malak, Christopher Amico, Benjamin Bleiler, Miriam Brown, James Cappon, Liberty Clarke, Maria Costello, William Duncanson, Rachel Elman, Max Farber-McEntee, Megan Gullotta, Hannah Hall, Rachel Hance, Justin Jaynes, Yousef Kamel, Michael Khmelkov, Koshala Mathuranayagam, Madeline Means, Luke Miranda, Lauren Pacheco, Celine Paliakkara, Allison Ritter, Ryan Roos, Jewel Rose Samonte, Michelle Shanguhyia, Christopher Szidat, Elijah Taeckens, Korey Walters, Jackson Wehrle, Celia Woodruff and Katherine Yang.
AP Scholar with Distinction
The College Board grants AP Scholar with Distinction awards to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Fifty F-M High School students received this award: Katerina Atallah-Yunes, Alexander Ball, Patrick Barrett, Avery Bower, Elizabeth Brady, Evan Bybee, Nolan Chiles, Jae Cho, Adora Colicci, Emily Cook, Sheldon Cooney, Matthew Crovella, Madison Drapeau, Maximilian Du, Sarah Duntley, Ethan Ferguson, Joseph Foster, Nicolas Gascon, Jacob Gerardi, Laura Haight, David Haungs, Michael Jia, Candace Kim, Edward Kinslow, Preston Koester, Jordan Krouse, Katy Krueger, Daniel Li, Rachel Liu, Riley Ma, Alexandru Mihaila, Nathan Montgomery, Lauren Moroz, Karina Ohri, Annaliese OuYang, Paige Pepling, Alicia Perkovich, Luca Pieples, Eli Seamans, Robert Stewart IV, Rachel Swanson, Rishma Vora, Tina Wang, Tristan Wellner, Rebecca White, Cassandra Wojtasiewicz, Angela Wu, Lisa Zhou, Helen Ziobrowski and Abigail Zuber.
National AP Scholar
The College Board grants National AP Scholar awards students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. Six F-M High School students received this award: Patrick Barrett, Avery Bower, Maximilian Du, Daniel Li, Rachel Liu and Robert Stewart IV.