Fayetteville-Manlius senior Katrina Hutz is being celebrated by the Red Cross for her extraordinary fundraising and awareness efforts. Katrina will be awarded during the Red Cross’ Real Heroes Event on Wednesday, Dec. 6th, where she will receive the Youth Good Samaritan Hero Award.
“I am honored to be receiving this award and I am so happy that I have made such a positive impact in the community,” Katrina said.
Katrina is a leukemia survivor, and explained that the help she received while going through cancer has motivated her to help others. She has led a team of cancer survivors through various fundraising efforts to help children fighting pediatric cancer at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. Their efforts have brought in more than $50,000, setting a new record for the organization.
Some of Katrina’s team fundraising efforts include hosting a t-shirt drive, planning blood drives, one of which was hosted by F-M, and organizing “Team Katrina” for Paige’s Butterfly Run, which provides services to pediatric cancer patients and their families, and supports cancer research. During the holidays, Katrina has also encouraged her friends to send inspirational messages to patients at the Waters Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Golisano. Katrina is a member of the Hornets for Hope club here at F-M, which also runs various fundraisers throughout the year.
The Red Cross Real Heroes event celebrates the spirit of humanitarianism, honoring people from across Central and Northern New York “who have shown courage, dedication, and selfless character by their acts of heroism or volunteerism to assist those in need within their communities.” At the event, Katrina will be receiving one of seven awards given out by the Red Cross.