Mott Road is one of three elementary schools in the Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District. Our school services children in grades K-4. Mott Road has approximately 394 students and 79 staff members. Our staff works diligently to provide an exemplary instructional program, and our focus is student success. We strive for students to experience a well-rounded program that helps harness their uniqueness and strengths.
At Mott Road, we help all students develop and demonstrate positive character traits through our Bucket Filling program and our Ten Wise Choices. Our character education program is a way of positively influencing children’s success in school and an opportunity to build habits that will influence their lifelong success as adults.
Our teachers and staff have tremendous passion for the students and families at Mott Road. That is evident as you walk around the campus and witness the many ways in which families are involved in the education of their children. Parents are our partners. We treasure and embrace all the ways parents contribute to the success of our students. We look forward to working with you throughout another great year at Mott Road!
Patrick McNamara, Principal