Sunshine Ambassadors deliver daily dose of kindness at Eagle Hill Middle School

group of Sunshine Ambassadors holding posters and smiling

Fifth-grade students at Eagle Hill Middle School are working to improve school climate and culture one friendly greeting at a time.

A group of students, known as the Sunshine Ambassadors, welcome students and staff to the building every morning with smiles, words of encouragement, and posters that promote positive behavior.

Through the Academic Enrichment Program, fifth-grade students have been learning about civic mindedness and building academic and social-emotional skills.

“To close out the year, we encouraged students to use their voices to determine things that they wanted to improve in their school community,” said academic enrichment teacher Bridget Wojnovich. “Students wrote public service announcements and created posters that addressed topics that were most important to them, including kindness, respect, inclusion and acceptance.”

From this work, students developed the Sunshine Ambassador club, led by co-advisors Mrs. Wojnovich and Mr. Pillari.

“We’re empowering students to engage in civic action and sharing the importance of taking responsibility for our actions,” said Mrs. Wojnovich.

The Sunshine Ambassadors club, composed of mostly fifth-grade students, will continue next year and is expected to expand to include students in grades 6-8.

student standing in hallway holding a poster student standing in front of lockers holding a poster a group of students standing shoulder-to-shoulder holder posters and smiling