Testing Information

Call them what you want – tests, assessments, exams – teachers use them every day to gain valuable insight and feedback on what and how students are learning.

NYS Grade 3-8 Assessments

Under state and federal law, students in grades 3-8 complete state ELA and math assessments annually. Fourth and eighth grade students are also tested in science. These state-wide exams measure student proficiency against the state’s learning standards. While results on these exams are not factored into student grades, they are used to help teachers identify individual student needs and ensure that local school districts are providing appropriate and effective educational programs.

Regents Exams

These high school standardized exams, specific to New York state, are offered in the core subject areas of social studies, science, math, ELA and foreign language. Students must meet the state’s Regents requirements in order to graduate, with some exceptions for students with disabilities. Students who choose to complete Regents exams beyond what is required may also receive a diploma with honor or an advanced designation.

2024–25 School Year Elementary and Intermediate-level Testing Schedule (all exams this year will be computer based)

Middle School Schedule for 5th and 8th exams 

  • ELA NYS Testing: April 23 & 24
  • Math Schedule: May 6 & 7
  • Science Schedule: May 13

Elementary School Schedule

  • English: April 23 & 24
  • Math: May 6 & 7

Testing Results

The district’s testing results are available on the New York State Education Department School Report Card website.