Students at Eagle Hill and Wellwood middle schools recently battled it out at the Fayetteville-Manlius School District’s annual Battle of the Books tournament.
Battle of the Books is a regional competition in which students work in teams to read and study a set of eight novels over the course of the school year. Teams then compete in trivia “battles,” answering Jeopardy-like questions to demonstrate their knowledge of the books read.
The competition, organized by OCM Boces School Library Systems, invites students from across Central New York to compete in building and district level tournaments. The top performers at the grade 5/6 level and grade 7/8 level then move on to regional and super regional competitions.
This year, more than 100 F-M middle school students participated. Eagle Hill’s team “Book Cats” won the 5/6 district battle for the second year in a row and will advance to the regional competition on March 25. Wellwood’s team “Process of Elimination” won the 7/8 district battle and will advance to the regional competition on March 27.
The program was designed to improve reading comprehension, promote academic achievement and teamwork, and nurture students’ love of reading.